Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the The Mental Training MasterClass

    • Welcome to the Course! FREE PREVIEW
    • Using the Course PDFs
    • Mental Training MasterClass PDF Workbook
    • Self-Assessment Tools
    • Mental Training Initial Assessment
    • Mental Training Initial Assessment Wrap-Up
    • Take the VIA Character Strengths Survey
    • Interpreting your VIA Character Strengths Survey
    • VIA Character Strengths Survey Worksheet
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    Introduction To Mental Training

    • An Introduction to Mental Training
    • Introduction to Mental Training Quiz
    • Additional Reading
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    • An Introduction to Goal-Setting FREE PREVIEW
    • Using Your SMARTS
    • WOOP Your Goals
    • Goal-Setting Quiz
    • Your Signature Strengths and Goal-Setting
    • Applying Your Signature Strengths to Goal-Setting
    • Leadership Challenge for Goal-Setting
    • Additional Reading
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    Self-Talk: The Most Important Conversations You Can Have

    • Checking in on Goal-Setting
    • Self-Talk Introduction and Awareness FREE PREVIEW
    • Bonus Awareness Activities: CA$H MONEY & The 5-YEAR-OLD
    • Self-Talk: Replacing the Negative
    • Self-Talk: Building Beliefs
    • Common Self-Talk Question: What if it's true?
    • Wrapping Up Self-Talk
    • Self-Talk Quiz
    • Self-Talk Check-In
    • Your Signature Strengths and Self-Talk
    • Applying Your Signature Strengths to Self-Talk
    • Goal-Setting for Self-Talk
    • Goal-Setting Planning Forms for Self-Talk
    • Leadership Challenge for Self-Talk
    • Additional Reading
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    Mindfulness & Meditation: Calming The Storm

    • Checking in on Self-Talk
    • An Introduction to Mindfulness & Meditation
    • Learn More About Headspace
    • Just Breathe: Centering Breath
    • Alternate Breathing Technique (For Quick Situations)
    • Meditation Check-In PDF
    • The Rule of 5
    • Your Signature Strengths and Mindfulness/Meditation
    • Applying Your Signature Strengths to Mindfulness/Meditation
    • Goal-Setting for Mindfulness/Meditation
    • Goal-Setting Planning Forms for Mindfulness/Meditation
    • Leadership Challenge for Mindfulness/Meditation
    • Additional Reading
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    Emotional Awareness: Where Are You At?

    • Checking in on Mindfulness/Meditation
    • Emotional Awareness Video and Worksheets
    • Emotional Awareness Quiz
    • Your Signature Strengths and Emotional Awareness
    • Applying Your Signature Strengths to Emotional Awareness
    • Goal-Setting Planning Forms for Emotional Awareness
    • Leadership Challenge for Emotional Awareness
    • Additional Reading
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    Playing Present: Finding and Keeping Focus

    • Checking in on Emotional Awareness
    • Playing Present
    • Playing Present Quiz
    • Play Present Video with Graham Betchart
    • Your Signature Strengths and Playing Present
    • Applying Your Signature Strengths to Playing Present
    • Goal-Setting for Playing Present
    • Goal-Setting Planning Forms for Playing Present
    • Leadership Challenge for Playing Present
    • Additional Reading
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    Visualization: The Mind's Eye

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    Building Self-Confidence: Leaving Doubt in the Dust

    • Checking in on Visualization
    • Building Self-Confidence
    • Self-Confidence Quiz
    • Building Self-Confidence Worksheet
    • Your Signature Strengths and Self-Confidence
    • Applying Your Signature Strengths to Self-Confidence
    • Goal-Setting Planning Forms for Self-Confidence
    • Leadership Challenge for Self-Confidence
    • Additional Reading
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    True Mental Toughness: The Big 3

    • Checking in on Self-Confidence
    • True Mental Toughness
    • True Mental Toughness Quiz
    • Building True Mental Toughness
    • True Mental Toughness Intro Worksheet
    • How You Treat Others
    • Body Language
    • Your Signature Strengths and True Mental Toughness
    • Applying Your Signature Strengths to True Mental Toughness
    • Goal-Setting Planning Forms for True Mental Toughness
    • Leadership Challenge for True Mental Toughness
    • Additional Reading
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    Closing the Performance Gap: Moving Information To Implementation

    • Checking in on True Mental Toughness
    • Two Specific Strategies to Close the Performance Gap
    • Mental Toughness Map
    • Vision Card
    • Your Signature Strengths and Closing the Performance Gap
    • Applying Your Signature Strengths to Closing the Performance Gap
    • Goal-Setting Planning Forms for Closing the Performance Gap
    • Leadership Challenge for Closing the Performance Gap
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    Fall7 Rise8

    • Checking in on Closing the Performance Gap
    • An Introduction to Fall7 Rise8
    • Fall7 Rise8
    • Fall7 Rise8 Worksheet
    • Do You Have Grit?
    • Mental Training Checklist Information
    • Mental Training Checklist
    • Fall7 Rise8 Gear
    • Additional Reading
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    Mental Training Final Assessment

    • Mental Training Final Assessment
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    Congratulations! You Have Completed the Mental Training MasterClass!

    • Thank You!
    • Certificate of Achievement